
The Taxonomy tag is used to create one or more hierarchical classifications, storing both choice selections and their ancestors in the results. Use for nested classification tasks with the Choice tag.

Use with the following data types: audio, image, HTML, paragraphs, text, time series, video.


Param Type Default Description
name string Name of the element
toName string Name of the element that you want to classify
[leafsOnly] boolean false Allow annotators to select only leaf nodes of taxonomy
[showFullPath] boolean false Whether to show the full path of selected items
[pathSeparator] string "/" Separator to show in the full path
[maxUsages] number Maximum number of times a choice can be selected per task
[maxWidth] number Maximum width for dropdown
[minWidth] number Minimum width for dropdown
[required] boolean false Whether taxonomy validation is required
[requiredMessage] string Message to show if validation fails
[placeholder=] string What to display as prompt on the input


Labeling configuration for providing a taxonomy of choices in response to a passage of text

  <Taxonomy name="media" toName="text">
    <Choice value="Online">
      <Choice value="UGC" />
      <Choice value="Free" />
      <Choice value="Paywall">
        <Choice value="NY Times" />
        <Choice value="The Wall Street Journal" />
    <Choice value="Offline" />
  <Text name="text" value="You'd never believe what he did to the country" />