- Get started
- Label Studio features
- Billing & Usage
- Release notes
Security and Privacy
- Secure Label Studio
Install and Upgrade
- Install and upgrade Label Studio
- Database setup
- Start Label Studio
- Troubleshooting
Deploy and Install Enterprise
- Install Label Studio Enterprise
- Set up persistent storage
- Set up an ingress controller
- Install with Docker
- Deploy on Kubernetes
- Install on airgapped server
- Install on Amazon EKS
- Available Helm values
Manage Users
- Set up user accounts
- Manage access
- Set up authentication
- Set up SCIM2
Import Data
- Import data
- Import pre-annotations
- Cloud storage setup
Labeling and Projects
- Project setup
- Manage data
- Set up your labeling interface
- Label and annotate data
- Comments and notifications
Manage Annotations
- Review annotations
- Annotation statistics
- Custom agreement metric
- Export annotations
Machine Learning Setup
- Machine learning integration
- Write your own ML backend
- ML Examples and Tutorials
- Active learning loop
- Troubleshoot machine learning
- Webhook Setup
- Webhooks Event Reference
- Custom Webhooks
- Python SDK Tutorial
- Backend API
Advanced Development
- Frontend library
- Frontend reference
- Update scripts and API calls
Available Helm values for Label Studio Enterprise Kubernetes deployments
Refer to these tables with available Helm chart values for your lse-values.yaml
when configuring your Label Studio Enterprise deployment on Kubernetes. See Deploy Label Studio Enterprise on Kubernetes for more.
Global parameters
Global parameters for the Helm chart.
Key | Type | Default Value | Description |
global.imagePullSecrets |
string | [] | Image pull secret to use for registry authentication |
global.image.repository |
string | heartexlabs/label-studio-enterprise | Image repository |
global.image.pullPolicy |
string | IfNotPresent | Image pull policy |
global.image.tag |
string | “” | Image tag (immutable tags are recommended) |
global.djangoConfig.db |
string | default | Django default config name |
global.djangoConfig.settings_module |
string | htx.settings.label_studio | Django default settings module name |
global.enterpriseLicense.secretName |
string | “” | Name of an existing secret holding the Label Studio Enterprise license information |
global.enterpriseLicense.secretKey |
string | license | Key of an existing secret holding the enterprise license information | |
string | “” | PostgreSQL hostname |
global.pgConfig.port |
string | 5432 | PostgreSQL port |
global.pgConfig.dbName |
string | “” | PostgreSQL database name |
global.pgConfig.userName |
string | “” | PostgreSQL database user account |
global.pgConfig.password.secretName |
string | “” | Name of an existing secret holding the password of PostgreSQL database user account |
global.pgConfig.password.secretKey |
string | “” | Key of an existing secret holding the password of PostgreSQL database user account | |
string | “” | Redis connection string in a format: redis://[:password]@localhost:6379/1 |
global.redisConfig.password.secretName |
string | “” | Name of an existing secret holding the password of Redis database |
global.redisConfig.password.secretKey |
string | “” | Key of an existing secret holding the password of Redis database |
global.extraEnvironmentVars |
map | {} | Key/value map of an extra Environment variables, for example, PYTHONUNBUFFERED: 1 |
global.extraEnvironmentSecrets |
map | {} | Key/value map of an extra Secrets |
global.contextPath |
string | / | Context path appended for health/readiness checks |
global.persistence.enabled |
string | false | Enable persistent storage. See more about setting up persistent storage. |
global.persistence.type |
string | volume | Persistent storage type |
global.persistence.config.s3.accessKey |
string | “” | Access key to use to access AWS S3 |
global.persistence.config.s3.secretKey |
string | “” | Secret key to use to access AWS S3 |
global.persistence.config.s3.accessKeyExistingSecret |
string | “” | Existing Secret name to extract Access key from to access AWS S3 |
global.persistence.config.s3.accessKeyExistingSecretKey |
string | “” | Existing Secret key to extract Access key from to access AWS S3 |
global.persistence.config.s3.secretKeyExistingSecret |
string | “” | Existing Secret name to extract Access secret key from to access AWS S3 |
global.persistence.config.s3.secretKeyExistingSecretKey |
string | “” | Existing Secret key to extract Access secret key from to access AWS S3 |
global.persistence.config.s3.region |
string | “” | AWS S3 region |
global.persistence.config.s3.bucket |
string | “” | AWS S3 bucket name |
global.persistence.config.s3.folder |
string | “” | AWS S3 folder name |
global.persistence.config.s3.urlExpirationSecs |
string | 86400 | The number of seconds that a presigned URL is valid for |
global.persistence.config.volume.storageClass |
string | “” | StorageClass for Persistent Volume |
global.persistence.config.volume.size |
string | 5Gi | Persistent volume size |
global.persistence.config.volume.annotations |
map | {} | Persistent volume additional annotations |
global.persistence.config.volume.existingClaim |
string | “” | Name of an existing PVC to use |
global.persistence.config.volume.resourcePolicy |
string | “” | PVC resource policy | |
string | “” | Azure Storage Account Name to use to access Azure Blob Storage | |
string | “” | Azure Storage Account Key to use to access Azure Blob Storage | |
string | “” | Existing Secret name to extract Azure Storage Account Name from to access Azure Blob Storage | |
string | “” | Existing Secret key to extract Azure Storage Account Name from to use to access Azure Blob Storage | |
string | “” | Existing Secret name to extract Azure Storage Account Key from to access Azure Blob Storage | |
string | “” | Existing Secret key to extract Azure Storage Account Key from to use to access Azure Blob Storage | |
string | “” | Azure Storage container name | |
string | “” | Azure Storage folder name | |
string | 86400 | The number of seconds that a presigned URL is valid for |
global.persistence.config.gcs.projectID |
string | “” | GCP Project ID to use |
global.persistence.config.gcs.applicationCredentialsJSON |
string | “” | Service Account key to access GCS |
global.persistence.config.gcs.applicationCredentialsJSONExistingSecret |
string | “” | Existing Secret name to extract Service Account Key from to access GCS |
global.persistence.config.gcs.applicationCredentialsJSONExistingSecretKey |
string | “” | Existing Secret key to extract Service Account Key from to access GCS |
global.persistence.config.gcs.bucket |
string | “” | GCS bucket name |
global.persistence.config.gcs.folder |
string | “” | GCS folder name |
global.persistence.config.gcs.urlExpirationSecs |
string | 86400 | The number of seconds that a presigned URL is valid for |
featureFlags |
map | {} | Key/value map of Feature Flags |
App parameters
Parameters specific to the app
portion of the Label Studio Enterprise deployment.
Key | Type | Default Value | Description |
app.enabled |
string | true | Enable app pod |
app.deploymentStrategy.type |
string | RollingUpdate | Deployment strategy type |
app.deploymentStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge |
string | 2 | The maximum number of pods that can be created over the desired number of pods |
app.deploymentStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable |
string | 0 | The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update process |
app.replicas |
string | 1 | Amount of app pod replicas |
app.NameOverride |
string | “” | String to partially override release template name |
app.FullnameOverride |
string | “” | String to fully override release template name |
app.resources.requests.memory |
string | 384Mi | The requested memory resources for the App container |
app.resources.requests.cpu |
string | 250m | The requested cpu resources for the App container |
app.resources.limits.memory |
string | 1024Mi | The memory resources limits for the App container |
app.resources.limits.cpu |
string | 750m | The cpu resources limits for the App container |
app.logLevel |
string | INFO | Application log level |
app.debug |
string | “” | Application DEBUG mode |
app.extraEnvironmentVars |
map | {} | A map of extra environment variables to set |
app.extraEnvironmentSecrets |
map | {} | A map of extra environment secrets to set |
app.nodeSelector |
map | {} | labels for pod assignment, formatted as a multi-line string or YAML map |
app.annotations |
map | {} | k8s annotations to attach to the app pods |
app.extraLabels |
map | {} | extra k8s labels to attach |
app.affinity |
map | {} | Affinity for pod assignment |
app.tolerations |
list | [] | Toleration settings for pod |
app.readinessProbe.enabled |
string | true | Enable redinessProbe |
app.readinessProbe.path |
string | /version | Path for reasinessProbe |
app.readinessProbe.failureThreshold |
string | 2 | When a probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up |
app.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
string | 10 | Number of seconds after the container has started before probe initiates |
app.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
string | 10 | How often (in seconds) to perform the probe |
app.readinessProbe.successThreshold |
string | 1 | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed |
app.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
string | 5 | Number of seconds after which the probe times out |
app.livenessProbe.enabled |
string | true | Enable livenessProbe |
app.livenessProbe.path |
string | /health | Path for livenessProbe |
app.livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
string | 3 | When a probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up |
app.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
string | 60 | Number of seconds after the container has started before probe initiates |
app.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
string | 10 | How often (in seconds) to perform the probe |
app.livenessProbe.successThreshold |
string | 1 | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed |
app.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
string | 5 | Number of seconds after which the probe times out |
app.service.type |
string | ClusterIP | k8s service type |
app.service.port |
string | 80 | k8s service port |
app.service.targetPort |
string | 8085 | k8s servuce target port |
app.service.portName |
string | service | k8s service port name |
app.service.annotations |
map | {} | Custom annotations for app service |
app.service.sessionAffinity |
string | “None” | Session Affinity for Kubernetes service, can be “None” or “ClientIP” |
app.service.sessionAffinityConfig |
map | {} | Additional settings for the sessionAffinity |
app.ingress.enabled |
string | true | Enable ingress |
app.ingress.className |
string | “” | Ingress classname |
app.ingress.annotations |
map | {} | Additional ingress annotations | |
string | app.heartex.local | Ingress host |
app.ingress.path |
string | / | Ingress path |
app.ingress.extraPaths |
list | [] | Extra paths to prepend to the host configuration |
app.ingress.tls |
list | [] | TLS secrets definition |
app.serviceAccount.create |
string | true | Enable the creation of a ServiceAccount for app pod | |
string | “” | Name of the created ServiceAccount |
app.serviceAccount.annotations |
map | {} | Custom annotations for app ServiceAccount |
app.extraVolumes |
list | [] | Array to add extra volumes |
app.extraVolumeMounts |
list | [] | Array to add extra mounts (normally used with extraVolumes) |
app.podSecurityContext.enabled |
string | false | Enable pod Security Context |
app.containerSecurityContext.enabled |
string | true | Enable container Security Context |
app.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot |
string | true | Avoid running as root User |
app.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation |
string | false | Controls whether a process can gain more privileges than its parent process |
app.topologySpreadConstraints |
list | [ ] | Topology Spread Constraints for pod assignment |
app.dnsPolicy |
string | “” | Pod DNS policy |
app.enableServiceLinks |
boolean | false | Service environment variables |
app.shareProcessNamespace |
boolean | false | Enable shared process namespace in a pod |
app.automountServiceAccountToken |
bollean | true | Automount service account token for the server service account |
Rqworker parameters
Parameters specific to the rqworkers
service of your Label Studio Enterprise deployment.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
rqworker.enabled |
string | true | Enable rqworker pod |
rqworker.NameOverride |
string | “” | String to partially override release template name |
rqworker.FullnameOverride |
string | “” | String to fully override release template name |
rqworker.deploymentStrategy.type |
string | Recreate | Deployment strategy type |
rqworker.replicas |
string | 1 | Amount of rqworker replicas |
rqworker.resources.requests.memory |
string | 256Mi | The requested memory resources for the Rqworker container |
rqworker.resources.requests.cpu |
string | 100m | The requested cpu resources for the Rqworker container |
rqworker.resources.limits.memory |
string | 512Mi | The memory resources limits for the Rqworker container |
rqworker.resources.limits.cpu |
string | 500m | The cpu resources limits for the Rqworker container |
rqworker.logLevel |
string | INFO | Rqworker log level |
rqworker.debug |
string | “” | Rqworker DEBUG mode |
rqworker.extraEnvironmentVars |
map | {} | A map of extra environment variables to set |
rqworker.extraEnvironmentSecrets |
map | {} | A map of extra environment secrets to set |
rqworker.nodeSelector |
map | {} | labels for pod assignment, formatted as a multi-line string or YAML map |
rqworker.annotations |
map | {} | k8s annotations to attach to the rqworker pods |
rqworker.extraLabels |
map | {} | extra k8s labels to attach |
rqworker.affinity |
map | {} | Affinity for pod assignment |
rqworker.tolerations |
list | [] | Toleration settings for pod |
rqworker.readinessProbe.enabled |
string | false | Enable redinessProbe |
rqworker.readinessProbe.path |
string | /version | Path for reasinessProbe |
rqworker.readinessProbe.failureThreshold |
string | 2 | When a probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up |
rqworker.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
string | 35 | Number of seconds after the container has started before probe initiates |
rqworker.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
string | 5 | How often (in seconds) to perform the probe |
rqworker.readinessProbe.successThreshold |
string | 1 | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed |
rqworker.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
string | 3 | Number of seconds after which the probe times out |
rqworker.livenessProbe.enabled |
string | false | Enable livenessProbe |
rqworker.livenessProbe.path |
string | /health | Path for livenessProbe |
rqworker.livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
string | 2 | When a probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up |
rqworker.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
string | 60 | Number of seconds after the container has started before probe initiates |
rqworker.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
string | 5 | How often (in seconds) to perform the probe |
rqworker.livenessProbe.successThreshold |
string | 1 | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed |
rqworker.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
string | 3 | Number of seconds after which the probe times out |
rqworker.serviceAccount.create |
string | true | Enable the creation of a ServiceAccount for rqworker pod | |
string | “” | Name of the created ServiceAccount |
rqworker.serviceAccount.annotations |
map | {} | Custom annotations for app ServiceAccount |
rqworker.extraVolumes |
list | [] | Array to add extra volumes |
rqworker.extraVolumeMounts |
list | [] | Array to add extra mounts (normally used with extraVolumes) |
rqworker.podSecurityContext.enabled |
string | false | Enable pod Security Context |
rqworker.containerSecurityContext.enabled |
string | true | Enable container Security Context |
rqworker.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot |
string | true | Avoid running as root User |
rqworker.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation |
string | false | Controls whether a process can gain more privileges than its parent process |
rqworker.topologySpreadConstraints |
list | [ ] | Topology Spread Constraints for pod assignment |
rqworker.dnsPolicy |
string | “” | Pod DNS policy |
rqworker.enableServiceLinks |
boolean | false | Service environment variables |
rqworker.shareProcessNamespace |
boolean | false | Enable shared process namespace in a pod |
rqworker.automountServiceAccountToken |
bollean | true | Automount service account token for the server service account |
Deprecated parameters
Deprecated parameters no longer in use or supported by Label Studio Enterprise Helm charts.
Key | Type | Default Value | Description |
minio.enabled |
string | true | Enable minio deployment |
minio.accessKey.password |
string | minio | Minio accesskey |
minio.secretKey.password |
string | minio123 | Minio accessPassword |
minio.resources.requests.cpu |
string | 250m | Minio requested resources |
minio.resources.requests.memory |
string | 256Mi | Minio limits resources |
minio.mode |
string | standalone | Minio mode |
minio.persistence.enabled |
string | false | Minio enable persistence |
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